my poor neglected blog!! It has been so long since I have posted.

What has been going on… work, work , work – trip to Solomons, home for a bit, sick sick sick, exhausted… now I am in Thailand!

Of course I love being in Thailand but this is a special trip. Husbot  and I have not had a holiday together since Feb 2009 when we were in Nepal for a friends wedding… so this year for no reason my mother in law offered to pay for us to have a holiday so Husbot and I decided to both come to Thailand and have one weeks holiday and then I would stay on and do my work.

It was really beautiful we went to Ko Phi Phi which is a part of Thailand I have never been to before. We had a very relaxing time and I recovered from the sickness that had overtaken me.

Now Husbot has left and I have already begun meetings and work again but it is ok because I feel refreshed. I love being in Thailand!!